Boston based John Hanifin Band are seeking a little assistance from the music loving public to assist in the recording of their brand new studio album. The guys in the group are asking the public to donate whatever they can to their ongoing campaign over on Indiegogo, and in return they'll receive rewards based upon whatever money they put forth at a certain donation level. The band is aiming to raise $20,000 by May 10, and they're planning to use $12,000 of that money for the actual recording and $8,000 for the promotion, so you guys know first hand what your money is going towards. Also, 10% of all album sales from their forthcoming release will be donated to the Mattapan Teen Center, Boys & Girls Club of Boston. These guys are honest, hard working musicians looking for help any way they can, and only you guys can help them in achieving that goal of recording an album and making a difference in a young child's life also.
To place your donation to John Hanifin Band's Indiegogo campaign, click on this link right here. For more on John Hanifin Band, you can 'Like' them on Facebook here and follow on Twitter over here.