Based from over in Manchester, UK Delamere have arrived on the U.S. musical radar with their latest single titled "Heart". The band has a textured, layered approach with highly evident indie influences hitting at you immediately upon first listen, and brings to mind influences from another fellow U.K. indie band Alexander that were featured here on the site mulitple times a few years back. James Fitchford and Ash Egerton add a formidable one two punch with their rapturing vocals and lush guitar melodies adding a great deal of musical complexity and enjoyment that ensures that fans will stay tuned in to the song all the way throughout, and will stick with the band for good and become long lasting fans as a result of that first impression. It's amazing to hear the breadth and diversity of talent that is constantly being churned out across the pond, and I can definitely tell that Delamere have that unspoken X factor about them that gives them a clear advantage over other acts, and only ensures that the lads will be around for years to come. Definitely a recommended listen for you to check out.
For more on Delamere, please give them a 'Like' on Facebook over here and give them a follow on Twitter at this perch here. Check out their latest single "Heart" right now over on Soundcloud at this link here, and check out their official homepage as well right here for more in depth info surrounding the band.