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Former Berklee Alums Airacuda Premiere New Charity Single "Looking Back And Laughing"

Writer's picture: MusicBoxPeteMusicBoxPete

Formerly based from here in Boston but now calling New Jersey their home base, former Berklee alums Airacuda have just premiered their brand new song titled "Looking Back And Laughing". The song made its debut on 95.9 WRAT just last week, and was created exclusively for the NJ based music blog Speak Into My Good Eye and their 24 Hour Challenge where participants had to record a song from start to finish in just under 24 hours. It will be part of a compilation being put out by the blog, and all proceeds from the sale of the compilation will go to the National Alliance On Mental Illness to raise awareness about depresssion and other mental disorders that impact everyone around us in some capacity. The song itself is about the drifting apart of childhood friends, and the space between that even though it exists, the memories that were instilled between them will last forever. The song itself is available to download individually for just $1, or you can download all 37 songs on the compilation for just $10. If Airacuda's song gets the most downloads on the collection in a single month, the guys will be awarded studio time to re-record the track. Sparsed in between, the guys are also working on their sophomore EP "Daydreaming" that should see the light of day relatively soon. Quite a full plate for these incredibly talented and entertaning gentlemen that I've had the privilege and honor of seeing in concert and meeting on a personal basis who definitely have a promising road laying ahead for them.

To download Airacuda's new track "Looking Back and Laughing", you may download it on Bandcamp over here, and for more on the fellas, please 'Like' them on Facebook here and give them a follow on Twitter as well at this spot here.


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