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MusicBoxPete's "Bands of Summer" Greatest Tits Edition

Writer's picture: MusicBoxPeteMusicBoxPete

With the end of summer unfortunately swinging upon us, it's time to take a look back on the "Bands of Summer" special I started 2 years ago, and weed out the best pics in my best of compilation titled "Greatest Tits". There's been a lot of submissions from musicians near and far that is designed to entertain and allow music fans to catch a glimpse of a side of musicians we'd never thought we'd see, but were too afraid to ask. I've managed to gather together 8 of the top music submissions featuring shirtless bods that will definitely get your motor running, and allow you to develop a deeper appreciation for the musician and all the hard work they do for music and to maintain their stellar physique. And without further delay, here are my picks for the 8 greatest "Bands of Summer" submissions:

James Hogg (Zerobot)

The first entry is none other than the dashing bassist of Zerobot, James Hogg. You may remember the band under a variety of other names including The Self Proclaimed Rockstars and The Interrobang to name a few, and one of their running gags earlier on was having a shirtless theme on stage that usually involved their drummer Stephen DeBenedicitis. But James Hogg later joined in on the fun as you can see from this pic that shows his sweaty, shirtless bod arousing those in attendance, and just adding to the oozing sex appeal is the beard which definitely drives everyone mad, and allows them to develop an appreciation for him and everything he stands for. Definitely an indelible pic that will live on for years to come.

Jake Ladehoff (Yacht Club Films)

One of the few entries in this series that doesn't come from a musician is from Jake Ladehoff, a videographer for the NY based production team Yacht Club Films. While he's not a musician per se, he has been on the set of countless music videos including Manic Pixi's one for "Kiss Me" that also resulted in another shot that featured the entire video crew shirtless and mugging for the camera. This solo entry from Jake is nothing short of erotic and takes pure sexiness to a whole new level with his amazingly chiseled bod and nips blasting out that will have countless people drooling and fawning over Jake's marvelous physique. This pic allowed me to expand the series a bit, and include people that weren't musicians but just looked really good without a shirt on, and Jake certainly fits that profile right here.

Zack Hankins (The Relevant Elephants)

Moving along with the dashingly and exceedingly handsome frontman of The Relevant Elephants, Zack Hankins. The band has been a constant presence on the site with the band's hilarious and goofy charm taking them to whole new levels, but it's this pic from one of their first shows that set things in motion for them moving forward. Zack is a ridiculously handsome, charming, and talented individual who has a knack for acting extremely goofy both on and off stage with his hilarious quips, but one thing for sure is that he has a nice bod and one that definitely illicited some hoots and hollers from the audience who were glad to be in the presence of such mastery and glory right in front of them.

Esteban Cajigas (Jack Romanov)

Bassists have a penchant for being sweaty and sexy individuals, and one that definitely fits that mold is none other than Esteban Cajigas from Jack Romanov. This band has enjoyed continued and growing success with their record deal and latest album "After Ignorance, Before The Start" attracting scores of fans from the Boston region and beyond, but one thing that won't die is the growing and continuing sex appeal of Esteban Cajigas who always appears on stage shirtless at his performances that turns people on and gets them aroused, and has them reaching for his marvelous, sweaty physique that is a wonder to behold. It's best experienced in person, but this pic is among one of the best if not the sexiest and steamiest pic in this series.

Isaac Lederach & Jacob Synder (Kansas Bible Company)

Another erotic entry in this issue comes from the brass section of Kansas Bible Company, an Indiana based folk outlet that is known for their expansive lineup and syncopated dance routines on stage. One thing that certainly got viewer's attention was a couple of attractive shirtless men playing a trumpet and sax in this screenshot from a studio vid of the band recording "The Desert She Screams" that turned alot of people on. The great thing about this pic was the general randomness of it, and how out of the blue it seemed but the results of it were very promising and made people gravitate towards these sex bombs, and the fact that one of them has a beard just makes you crave and devour them that much more.

Against All Odds

In what is probably the raciest and most revealing pic in this chapter, look no further than Burlington, MA based outfit Against All Odds that takes band nudity to a whole other extreme here. You've probably not seen this much nudity from one band in your life, and the magnitude and scope of this is beyond comprehension as the band seems to relish in this opportunity to push all the buttons of the fans, and they seem to have accomplished just that. While their genitalia is covered, and we wish we could see it but unfortunately this isn't PornHub, it does it job of satisfying the appetites and desires of those clamoring for some skin.

Drew Moore (Helicopria)

From a bassist who has a penchant for wearing green, it's Drew Moore from Helicopria in this pic that was actually taken 4 years ago during their performance at Cafe 939 that excited many there to check out their music, but also the antics of the lovable and extremely attractive bass master who knows how to keep the fans coming. Drew's impressive and lean bod definitely has its quirks, and may have fans trying to touch his bod or grab his nips that shows just how naturally handsome he is. This pic was definitely the genesis of the "Bands of Summer" feature, and I couldn't be more prouder that this pic exists.

Johnny Coryn (Lion In The Mane)

Wrapping up our special is this recent entry from the beautiful and majestically flowing hair of Johnny Coryn, drummer for the NY based pop/rock group Lion In The Mane. Drummers are incredibly sweaty and fast moving creatures, and Johnny certainly fits that mold and one thing that he always does in concert is pop his shirt off, throw it off to the side, and act like the free wheeling freak of nature that he is. This pic in particular is nothing short of beautiful with its B&W aesthetic that highlights Johnny's muscular frame and slim physique with his enviable pecs that will have you framing this pic for its glory and sleek sexiness. Johnny is a hell of a talented musician, and looks damn fine with his shirt off in making all the magic that you see on stage become possible.


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