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Writer's pictureMusicBoxPete

Boston Multi Instrumentalists HAGO Are All Over The Musical Map

Boston multi instrumentalists HAGO present a multicultural musical dynamic that will most certainly raise some eyebrows and perk up some ears in the process as you're listening to them. It's really hard to pinpoint exactly what genre of music they dabble in, and that's sort of the beauty of the group as a whole as they don't cater to one specific audience and offer up a little something for everybody. The group consists of Nerya Zidon on sax and guitar, Yoel Genin on guitar, Tom Bar on piano and keys, and Guy Bernfeld on bass. Alongside the Middle Eastern musical influences abound, there's elements of progressive metal and even some jazz fusion to really spice things up and make it even more palpable for the listener. I was intrigued as I found this music to be strange and highly unusual, but in a good way. There's no denying that the guys in HAGO have serious talent, and are loving the hell out of playing live and making sure that the audience is enjoying themselves immensely as well. It would be well worth your time this weekend to check out one of their YouTube vids to get a broader sense of what they're like live so when you do check them out live, you'll know fully what to expect.

For more on HAGO, give them a 'Like' via their Facebook page located here, and keep an eye out for their debut album that is being recorded as we speak, and should see the light of day pretty soon.

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