Summer is unofficially here, and with all the warm weather around the corner comes the return of my annual "Bands of Summer" photo special! An annual fixture here on the site since 2014, this special has grown bigger and wilder each and every year with artists going to extremes to show their topless bods, and bring about a sense of excitement and wonder to showcase a different side of the group, and amping people up who like to see some exposed skin as summer begins to rear it's head of us. This contest is open up to all musicians, and everyone is encouraged to be creative and go above and beyond to show off those shirtless bods! Here are the criteria for photo submissions:
- The pic must contain one or all members of the group appearing shirtless, whichever they feel comfortable with.
- Pics must shot visible nudity below the shoulders, no headshots please!
- Women are encouraged to submit photos for the special as well, although they can include headshots if they should desire.
- Artists are encouraged to be creative and find wacky elements when it comes to showing off nudity for the camera, make it fun!
Submit all photos to: musicboxpete@gmail.com. The deadline to get all submissions in is Wed. June 26th, so get cracking if you feel up to the challenge in showing off your beach bods for the summer!