Hammonton, NJ native Ace Enders is set to play an acoustic show at Deep Cuts in Medford on Friday, Sept. 22. You may remember him as the frontman of The Early November, and he is embarking on a mini acoustic tour this fall that will have him performing some old favorites at small, intimate venues that will allow concertgoers to relive the essence of their youth in a very interactive and engaging setting. I grew up on a steady diet of Drive-Thru Records bands in high school, and The Early November were especially high on that list, with "I Want To Hear You Sad" and "The Room's Too Cold" becoming hallmarks and staples of my formative high school/early college years. Getting the chance to experience those classics in acoustic form will go straight for the heartstrings, and allow those emotions to come out again in much more potent form. I'm so looking forward to this show like you won't believe, and it's just icing on the cake that Ace will be performing in the comfort of my hometown.