From the desert in Chandler, AZ comes the dynamic hip-hop sounds of Dashawn Jordan, whom has released his latest single to the world along with a music vid just last week for the song "WYGDBI". The song has a steady flow to it, coupled with Dashawn's easy going vibe and a sick beat that moves along at a steady enough pace just enough for the listener to easily grasp onto what he has to offer for the listening audience. I must admit I don't listen to hip-hop that much, but I really found Dashawn's music easily accessible to those who are either casually into hip-hop or don't listen to the genre. You may remember him largely from his career as a pro skateboarder, and has begun to successfully cross the bridge over into the music world. Dashawn was initially very hesitant to release his music out in the world for fear of judgement from others, but he's an immensely talented guy and you can clearly tell that he pours his heart and soul into his music much like what he does with a skateboard every day. He has that drive and pedigree that can set him over the edge right away. A tight track from an multifaceted artist we'll be seeing plenty more from soon.